Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New Friends

Our little artist with her first fridge posting.

Enjoying a snack at the now indoor kid picnic table.

Aiden and Ella petting the puppy.

Rebecca spinning Ava on the sit-n-spin.
Ella patiently waiting her turn.

Indy protecting his cookie monster.

This puppy looks so scared, but Ella just loves him.

This puppy loved the attentions, and licking her fingers.

Cabryn and Indy, host and hostess of the playdate!

So funny!

Oh poor Seahawk fan!

Ella has needed a little extra love and attention lately.
It really is as though she knows something big
(well really, they start out small)
is coming.

Ella can't get enough of the crayons! So we have our first Ella gallery going on the fridge. So far, no actual coloring on the fridge, but I have had to wipe the crayon marks out of a couple of books. She has started running around the house chasing no one in particular and either singing or pretending to be a car and making a bbbbrrrrr noise. Really cute!

Baby #2 and I are still hanging on together, so far so good.

Mike had an eventful commute to work yesterday involving many a detour, ice skating, and walking the last mile or so after parking at Home Depot to avoid icy hills. Thank goodness he got there safely, but Bellevue WA had some serious ice problems the past 2 mornings. I hope the weather continues to improve as we get out of this winter freeze!

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