Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dare I even hope?

Mike just left for work, Ella and I have a mommy and me movie date today and of course I just had the start of contractions. Do I even dare hope for the real thing? These are the first firm plans that we have made in more than a week, so of course he will tease me with contractions. I feel stupid even hoping to be in a lot of pain in 6 hours, but really, it is coming sometime, so I guess I have just reached the point where that is preferable to the life on hold waiting and sleeping sitting up!

Something about these contractions doesn't ring true (although I don't think I will believe it until I am on the way to the hospital), but all the same I will update late tonight with pictures of the mommy and me movie experience if there is no baby. So check back tomorrow for news!

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