Monday, December 31, 2007

New TV - thanks Black Friday!

For those of you tech junkies, here is an update from Mike. Please direct any questions to him, Ella knows how to turn the setup on better than Renate does!

Here's a picture of the new TV setup.


Sharp 46" LCD TV LC-46D64U, 1080p, HDMI1.3
Mounted to a Z-Line Design Phantom Stand
Calvary 500 GB external HDD
Paradigm CC-350 (other speakers are crappy wall-mount little orb thingys)
Sony PS3-60GB
Onkyo TX-SR600
Cables from Monoprice :)

The cables on the right side on the ground are a VGA cable and an audio miniplug so i can plug the laptop into the TV.


Anonymous said...


I'm sooo jealous! Unfortunately the TV we have is SDTV...which didn't exist as an acronym until HDTV was affordable...HAHAHAHHA. Gotta love it. Sort of like Original COKE. HAHAHHA.

Happy New Year!!!

Anonymous said...

how did you hook up your HDD to your PS3? I have the same calvary 500GB and this is my first HDD ever. Can you please help me. Thanks.