Friday, September 26, 2008

Fear of spiders

Another wonderful (and quirky) side effect of living in Seattle is that I have gotten over my fear of spiders. I no longer shriek when I move a pillow and see 2 spiders canoodling where I lay my head. I no longer hesitate to jump into a shower that has a few "friends" dashing for higher and drier ground. We now have the perfect Halloween decorators in charge of our front door, and so far they are doing wonders at keeping away the Latter-day missionaries (that have a knack for knowing when naptime starts), and Kirby vacuum cleaner salesmen. Now if only I could find a way to use their undesirability with telemarketers, maybe I could get a nap in the afternoon!


Anonymous said...

R- you are too funny!

Jill P said...

Bwhahahaha! I'm not sure that I'll ever be completely comfortable with our many legged friends. But, I'm so glad you have! Thanks for the smile!

PolkaDotGaloshes said...

Seattle did it for me! Although I still get creeped out, at least I don't have to check under the covers at night anymore =) And in regards with tellemarketers, I just hand the phone to Harry or Thomas and let them bable on to them about power rangers or something...ha!