Sunday, August 31, 2008

Whale Watching trip

While my mom was visiting we took a day trip up to Anacortes, WA for a whale watching trip. It was AWESOME!! Other than the long car ride, there wasn't a dull moment to the day. We saw harbor seals, a bald eagle, many different birds, the King 5 pontoon plane (as seen on the evening magazine show), breathtaking views and some hard to reach vacation homes.

Ella had a great time exploring the boat, watching the waves that we left, and calling/whistling at the whales. It was really sweet! Despite no nap for Ella, she stayed in good spirits pretending to play the drums on various parts of the ship, rapping at the windows (like the wee-willie-winkie nursery rhyme for those of without kids), and playing with my mom through the windows.


Fin's expression says what we were all thinking,
"Are we there yet?"
The 90 minute trip to Anacortes was filled with so much anticipation.

Where are the whales Ella?


Jill P said...

OMG, I am SOOOOO jealous! What a wonderful trip. I have always wanted to go whale watching; and I've lived here my whole life! The pics are so pretty. Fun, fun, fun!

Cassia said...

How fun! I have always wanted to go whale watching. I am glad you guys had a great time. Ella and Fin are both getting so big and they are just so adorable!