Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A baby no longer...

So yesterday Ella turns to me during her speech therapy and said (in her hard to understand articulation), "Griffin's a baby. I'm not your baby, mama. I'm a big girl!"

I guess that settles it then, I no longer have 2 babies. Rather, I have one baby, and one big girl.

I still tell her that she will always be mommy's baby, and that I will always love her. Ella just looks at me sideways and grins, so I think the message is getting through to my big girl.


Cassia said...

I am still trying to convince Hayden that he will always be my baby. He told me the other day that he doesn't really like my kisses. That one hurt pretty good. I'm glad he still likes them at home though for the most part :)

brindisi family said...

Ella told me the other day that she was going to get married :) No more princess movies for that girl!

Jill P said...

Yes, Derick and I have this conversation all the time:

"Derick, you're my sweet little boy."

"No mommy, I'm your Big, sweet, little boy!"